Degree in Bachelor of Arts, June 1994, at the Rotterdam Acadamy of Art (Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, now known as Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam), in the speciality "Interior Architecture" with a project on a Perfume Section of a shopping centre, a visual study on the density of ornamental information (based on the Alhambra monument in Granada, Spain, where an exchange period in autumn 1993 was spent: taking classes in environmental design of the UGR - Faculty of Fine Arts, combined signatures of 4th and 5th year) and a bachelor thesis "Life's a Stage", featuring Robert Wilson, Rem Koolhaas, Alfred Hitchcock and Peter Greenaway representing 4 aspects of the design process. 

In January 1995 she returned to Granada where, after some temporary jobs and photo-collage commissions, in 1998 the focus was set on freelance design, mainly graphic and website design. One of the many proyects she managed was organizing 2 design workshops with Spanish graphic designer Fernando Medina "Las Ideas Primero" .

In 2007 and 2008 she gave birth to three children, and, coinciding with the economic crisis, a year later in 2009, she let go of her last clients and focussed fully on her young family.

voorbeeld website

In March 2013, with the kids at school, a new multinational in town badly needed Dutch native speakers and she became an employee for the time being. This "time being" lasted for litle more than 11 years, learning all about salary administration, payroll, Dutch legislation, payroll accounting, SAP. She got certified in "Basis Kennis Loonadministratie" (BKL), "Praktijkdiploma Loonadministratie" (PDL), Lean Six Sigma (yellow belt) and learned all about salaries, accounting, being meticulous and precise, eye for detail and staying sharp and concentrated, a welcome addition to her previous experiences. After 4 years, a new internal position was offered in the Products department to work on software automation as a Business Analyist, responsible for the Functional Design of the internal SAP PCC landscape. Learning about personas, business models, different Countries, different cultures and very different ways of being and working on payroll all around the world.

In 2020, the Covid Pandemic forced locally a full lockdown and many restrictions for a long time. Nevertheless, work never stopped as she worked from home since then. In the little personal time left, taking advantage of some old magazines, she made a few collages for friends. This woke up an old spark inside and dusty old stored-away boxes were opened and unpacked after many years of silent waiting. Drawing, but particularly painting was the oxigene needed to fire up. Some online workshops stimulated more exploring and experimenting, and rapidly she got caught up in a spiral of painting with no clue on where it would end.

In 2023, after literally ending up painting (in) circles, it was time to take things more seriously and a year was spent with weekly local painting classes (David Conde), learning about painting methods, fundamentals, processes and building up the groove.


A nice hobby it would have been if it was not for the obsession that came with it. Bit by bit giving up on other activities (the beloved vegetable garden) to have more time to paint and even the steady job was getting in the way, it became clear that this was to big to keep it incidental, further investigation and digging into possiblities was getting urgent. First of May 2024, the security of employment was sacrified for a total incertainty of outcome, only knowing (without proof) that it was about time...

"Het Feest", gemengde techniek 25x30cm Gift voor de lokale non-profit kunstgallerij "La Empírica" in Granada


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